News & Legislative Updates


4/16/2020: Governor - Press Release with Current List of SNF's affected by COVID-19

4/11/2020: State Long Term Care Ombudsman - Letter to Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties

4/4/2020: State Long Term Care Ombudsman - Self Care Resources.

3/30/2020: State Long Term Care Ombudsman and DPH - Joint Letter from LTCOP and DPH to Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties

3/10/2020: State Long Term Care Ombudsman - Letter to Residents, Family Members and Responsible Parties regarding new DPH restrictions regarding visitation to Nursing Homes and Residential Care Homes with Nursing Supervision.

3/9/2020: Department of Public Health - Memorandum Restricting Visitation at Long Term Care Facilities 

3/9/2020: CMS Coronavirus Guidance for Nursing Facilities - On March 4, CMS issued guidance for State Survey Agencies to limit the spread of Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19.)  This includes suspending non-emergency inspections of all healthcare facilities across the country and conducting screening of visitors and staff.

3/4/2020: Department of Justice Launches a National Nursing Home Initiative - Attorney General William P. Barr announced today the launch of the Department of Justice’s National Nursing Home Initiative, which will coordinate and enhance civil and criminal efforts to pursue nursing homes that provide grossly substandard care to their residents. 

2/28/2020: Selected Health and Legislative Bills by Category Through February 28th, 2020 - LTCOP Selected Health and Legislative Bills

2/26/2020: Nursing Home 411 - Compare Nursing Home Staffing Levels Q3 2019 - To help the public find out about nursing home staffing in our communities, LTCCC publishes, on a quarterly basis, information on staffing for every nursing home in Connecticut 

2/21/2020: New Nursing Home Initiative to Alleviate Workforce Crisis - The American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) launches a new initiative today to increase awareness of the long-term and post-acute care (LTPAC) nursing profession among nursing students and other young men and women entering the workforce.

2/21/2020: Selected Health and Legislative Bills by Category Through February 21st, 2020 - LTCOP Selected Health and Legislative Bills

2/13/2020: Selected Health and Legislative Bills by Category Through February 13th, 2020 - LTCOP Selected Health and Legislative Bills

1/29/2020:  CT Post Article More work to do on prescription drug prices - On Dec. 12, the U.S. House of Representative took a vital step to lower prescription drug costs and passed the Lower Drug Costs Now Act. This bipartisan bill offers real relief to the millions of Americans who struggle to afford their needed medications. The bill would allow Medicare to use its buying power to negotiate lower drug prices, create an out-of-pocket cap for seniors in Medicare Part D and crack down on excessive drug price increases.

1/16/2020: Minnesota Legalizes Surveillance Cameras in Senior Care Facilities - Families now have the right to monitor their loved ones from a distance.

1/15/2020: Residents Evicted From Nursing Homes in Disturbing Trend - A disturbing trend is becoming increasingly evident across the country: The eviction of vulnerable nursing home residents from their facilities, often without notice, preparation, or a safe and appropriate place to go.

11/25/2019:Nursing Home 411 - Compare Nursing Home Staffing Levels Q2 2019 - To help the public find out about nursing home staffing in our communities, LTCCC publishes, on a quarterly basis, information on staffing for every nursing home in Connecticut 

7/20/2019: Full Legislative Update Session End By Category - Summer 2019

7/20/2019: E-Board Session End - Executive Summary - Summer2019