Advisory Opinion No. 1993-8
Member Of Law Firm Serving As
To Legislative Committee
Attorney William W. Bouton III, has been asked to serve as a consultant to the General Assembly’s Commerce Committee. Attorney Bouton has asked if his service to the committee will restrict his law firm’s ability to represent clients involving proceedings with the State.
In general, the Code of Ethics for Public Officials,
Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 10, Part I, applies to public officials
and state employees. As a consultant to
the Commerce Committee, Attorney Bouton is neither a public official nor state
employee. See Conn. Gen. Stat.
§§1-79(k), 1-79(m). One provision of the
Code, however, does apply to consultants and independent contractors. Conn. Gen. Stat. §1-86e. In summary, that provision prohibits use of
confidential information, accepting other state contracts which would impair
one’s independence of judgment, or accepting or giving anything of value to
influence one’s actions.
By order of the Commission,
Christopher T. Donohue