Health Equity Toolkit

for Local Health Departments and Other Partners

Health Equity 


The Health Equity Toolkit is a collection of resources and practical tools designed to help Local Health Departments in Connecticut and other DPH Partners understand the components of health equity, and include health equity in your work.


What's included: 

  • Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards - Resources for understanding and implementing the National CLAS Standards
  • Determining language needs using Census data - A step-by-step approach to approximate language needs for Limited English Proficient populations using Census data created by the Office of Health Equity.
  • DPH Health Equity Glossary - A listing of definitions used to communicate key concepts of equity, social determinants, and related, commonly used terms. This is a living document, which is reviewed and updated annually by DPH Staff.
  • DPH Language Identification Chart- "I Speak" chart in 56 languages for posting.
  • DPH Language and Translation Services Quality Feedback Form - Being subdivisions of the Connecticut Department of Public Health, Local Health Departments can contract with state-approved vendors regarding interpretation, translation and American Sign Language services for the same terms as DPH. Use this form to share with the Office of Health Equity any excellent work or problems with state vendors for any of the services mentioned.
  • Translated DPH Documents (non-English languages) - Key DPH documents translated into non-English languages.  Each row of the attached listing shows the document title, what language it was translated into, and the person to contact for a copy of the translated document.  This project  was supported by the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health State Partnership Grant to Improve Minority Health, 2013-2015.
  • Publications and Resources - A listing of currently available resources to assist practitioners in implementing components of health equity in your work.
  • Social Determinants of Health - Concepts and considerations in incorporating a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework into everyday public health practice. 
  • Social Justice - Discussion of a social justice perspective in public health with a listing of resources.


We would like to hear from you!

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