
DPH Releases New HIV Data

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) has released Connecticut Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Surveillance data for 2017.  

According to the 2017 data, there were 281 people newly diagnosed with HIV in CT.  This is an increase of 4% from the 269 cases reported in 2016. Of the 281 cases, 137 (49%) were among men having sex with men (MSM), 92 (33%) were among heterosexuals and 23 (8 %) were among people who inject drugs. There are currently 10,560 people living with HIV in CT.  

Among those diagnosed with HIV in 2017, 40% were Black/African American, 30% were White and 29% were Hispanic/Latinx. Young people between the ages of 20-29 ranked highest of those newly diagnosed (29%), followed by people aged 30-39 (21%) and 40-49 (21%).Black heterosexual females accounted for 17% of the new 2017 HIV infections, exceeding Black MSM (11%).

The 5-year data trend (2013 – 2017) shows significant decreases in HIV transmission overall and among MSM.  Total HIV diagnoses during the same period decreased by 15% and among MSM, a 19% decrease was reported.  Despite prevention efforts, disparities still remain.  The 5-year data trend indicates an increase of 57% in HIV diagnoses among Black heterosexual females. 

In June 2018, Commissioner Pino led and engaged with statewide partners to launch the Getting to Zero Campaign.  This initiative promotes routine HIV testing and access to care, both associated with positive health outcomes for people living with HIV. 

 “We have come a long way in bringing HIV under control in CT, but we have more work to do. Prevention is the best tool against HIV. If you think you are at risk, condom use and prophylactic treatment (PrEP) are your best choices. Our surveillance data indicates that we still have persistent health inequities that DPH needs to continue to address and we are dedicated in doing so. Get tested and know your status. If you are HIV positive, initiate HIV treatment as soon as possible and remain in treatment. DPH is committed to get to Zero.” stated Commissioner Pino.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone aged 13-64 should be tested for HIV once in their life, and people at risk should be tested at least once a year, if not more often. Ask your doctor, or visit gettested.cdc.gov to find a testing site. 

For more information about the latest Connecticut HIV statistics visit: CT HIV statistics

For more information about how to prevent HIV visit: positivepreventionct.org HIV 
