
Connecticut Water Planning Council Seeks Public Comment on Draft of State Water Plan

Finalized Plan to be Presented to the Governor and Legislature in 2018

The members of the Connecticut Water Planning Council (WPC) today announced that they have published a draft version of the State Water Plan that they have been developing onto the council’s website (www.ct.gov/water) and have opened a public review period to give Connecticut residents, businesses, and other stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback before it is finalized early next year.Between July 20 and November 20, 2017, interested parties will have an opportunity to review the draft plan and provide the group with their comments.

The draft plan recommends a framework for managing Connecticut’s water into the future and for achieving balance with our many human and environmental needs as climate trends emerge and new needs develop.It addresses the quality and quantity of water for drinking, ecology, recreation, business, industry, agriculture, energy, and wastewater assimilation.

The WPC members stressed that the input of Connecticut’s citizens is crucial to the development and implementation of the plan to ensure it is fair and effective at balancing the needs of all water users while protecting a valuable resource.

The creation of the State Water Plan was required following the adoption of a new state law, Public Act 14-163, which directed the WPC to formulate a plan that will help planners, regulators, and lawmakers make decisions about managing Connecticut’s water in a manner that is consistent throughout the state.The group’s draft plan reflects the input of various stakeholders, committee members and public participants. They intend to present a final document to the Governor and various legislative committees in 2018.

The council will hold public hearings on the draft plan across the state during late summer and fall, and they will also use technological resources to advertise and educate the public on the plan throughout this period.  Details of the WPC’s public outreach efforts, information on how to comment, and links to other resources will be available in the coming weeks at www.ct.gov/water.

The WPC is comprised of four members: John W. Betkoski (Chair), Vice Chairman, Public Utilities Regulatory Authority; Garrett Eucalitto, Undersecretary, Office of Policy and Management; Betsey Wingfield, Bureau Chief, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; and Lori Mathieu, Drinking Water Section Chief, Department of Public Health.

A copy of the draft plan and associated resources can be found at www.ct.gov/water.