Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention 


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Childhood Lead Poisoning is the most common pediatric environmental public health problem, yet it is 100% preventable. The most common source of childhood lead poisoning is lead paint found in houses built before 1978, however there are other sources too.

Once lead gets into a child’s body it can hurt the brain, kidneys, and nervous system. Lead poisoning causes slow growth, slow development, difficulty learning, and behavioral problems. Young children absorb lead more easily than adults. Young children also put their hands and toys in their mouths. If there is lead dust in the home or yard, the children will swallow the dust on their hands and toys. Unfortunately, the harm done by lead may never go away.

Connecticut law requires children under 6 years of age to be tested for lead by their medical provider. Testing children is the only way to know if a child is lead poisoned. Be sure to talk to your medical provider about testing your child. 

Use the fact sheets below to learn more about lead.

A healthy diet with lots of foods high in iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin C can help keep lead from being absorbed by the body.

Drinking water may be contaminated with lead if the pipes are made from lead, if lead solder was used on the pipes and if faucets have lead in them. It’s always a good idea to run the cold water for a minute to flush out water that may have been in contact with lead. Also, be sure to always use cold water for drinking, cooking and making formula for a child.

Since lead paint is the primary cause of lead poisoning, keeping paint in good condition in homes built before 1978 is very important. Proper cleaning is also very important.


More information for parents



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Connecticut Department of Public Health

Lead Poisoning Prevention & Control Program
