To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

Section 5310 Program Information
Section 5310 Grant Program Description
Section 5310 enhances mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing capital and operating funds for programs to serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond the traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit services.
Eligible Recipients
Eligible subrecipients include private nonprofit organizations, states or local government authorities, or operators of public transportation. 
Eligible Project Activities
Eligible project activities include but are not limited to accessible buses and vans, transit-related information technology systems, mobility management programs, acquisition of transportation services under contract, travel training, volunteer driver programs and improving signage and way-finding. At least 55% of program funds must be used on traditional capital 5310 projects, and up to 45% may be used for nontraditional projects.
Funding Distribution
Federal Section 5310 funds are available each federal fiscal year, contingent upon congressional appropriation. They are distributed to the States by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), with 60% of the funds in Connecticut apportioned to large urbanized areas, 20% to small urbanized areas and 20% to areas of the State under 50,000 in population (rural).
The federal share of eligible capital costs may not exceed 80 percent, and 50 percent for operating assistance. The recipient is responsible for providing the match. Match can come from other Federal (non-DOT) funds.
Application Process & Program Evaluation
CTDOT conducts a competitive selection process for the Section 5310 grant program. Each year, application materials are made available to eligible recipients, which are reviewed and prioritized for award by CTDOT and the Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs). The criteria used in evaluating and ranking applications are included in the Application Instructions packet.
Available Funding




Bridgeport--Stamford, CT


Hartford, CT


New Haven, CT


Norwich--New London, CT


Connecticut - Rural


Connecticut - Small Urban


Springfield, MA


Worcester, MA


