To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas



FORM 816



The new Form 816 includes dual units (English and metric) and replaces the 814A and the 815. Some of the most significant changes are summarized below. Other changes too numerous to mention, include but are not limited to an entire rewrite of Division 1 from the passive to active voice and the deletion of obsolete sections. It is the user’s responsibility to read and become familiar with the content of the book.

  • Section 1.05.02 –Working Drawings have been revised to differentiate between permanent and temporary construction as well as to add a requirement for a Professional Liability Insurance Policy for errors and omissions.

  • Section 1.09 – Measurement and Payment, in addition to being in the active voice the article dealing with extra and cost-plus work has been reorganized and includes changes in how rented equipment is paid for. Also, Value Engineering has been incorporated into this section.

  • Section 1.20 - General Clauses for Facilities Construction, was created to expand upon the requirements of the remaining sections of Division I and to address the special requirements for Facilities Construction. Facilities Construction is defined as the type of construction that requires the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance by the State Building Inspector's representative at the completion of a project, and includes site work considered ancillary to this type of construction. This Section is organized such that the Articles relate back to the similarly named and numbered Articles within the remaining sections of Division I, where applicable.

  • Section 4.06 – Bituminous Concrete was restructured to include new wording for placement and compaction of materials and new adjustment schedules related to placement including density, thickness, overweight and yields. A corrective work procedure under Section 4.06.03-8 has been added to address material deficiencies. Previous subsections in 4.06 addressing material mix design, production; testing and control of mixtures have now been incorporated into Section M.04 – Bituminous Concrete Materials.

  • Sections 9.10 - Metal Beam Rail, 9.11 - Metal Beam Rail Anchorages, and 9.12 - Remove and Reset Posts, Cable Guiderail and Metal Beam Rail were revised to reflect the Department's new guiderail systems R-B 350 guiderail and attachments to bridge parapets. In addition, Section M.10-Railing and Fence was revised to include material for R-B 350 block-outs, weathering steel, and Thrie-beam guiderail.

  • Sections 18.00 - General Clauses Impact Attenuation Systems, 18.02 - Type a Impact Attenuation System, 18.04 - Type C Impact Attenuation System, 18.06 - Use of Type D Portable Impact Attenuation System, and 18.07 - Temporary Impact Attenuation System were all revised to incorporate changes required by the publication of NCHRP Report 350. Impact attenuation systems acceptable for use in Connecticut can be found on the Department's Approved Products List.