To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

Consultant Design Manual

     File Size: 26 KB
  Chapter 200 - Administrative Procedure 
     File Size: 17 KB
  Chapter 300 - Design Development 
     File Size: 42 KB
  Chapter 400 - Design Element
     File Size: 66 KB
  Chapter 500 - Supportive Document
     File Size: 24 KB
  Chapter 600 - Coordination With Utilities
     File Size: 19 KB
     File Size: 33 KB
  Chapter 800 - Environmental Activities
     File Size: 25 KB


chapter 100 - overview of the Assignment

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  assignment meeting

101.01 description of the project
101.02 basic project assignment
101.03 affirmative action
101.04 scope of the work
101.05 fee proposal
101.06 agreement
102    material to be furnished by the department
102.01 general material furnished at the assignment meeting
102.02 project specific material furnished at the assignment meeting or as it becomes available
103    reference material
104    material to be furnished by the consulting engineer
105    control of the work
106     relationship with other agencies
107    attendance at meeting and public hearing
107.01 attendance at meeting and public hearing
107.02 public hearing
107.03 construction stage
108    responsibility for accuracy of work
109    entry upon private property

chapter 200 - administrative procedures

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201    progress reports
201.01 original assignment
201.02 supplement assignment
201.03 compliance certification for executive order no. 17
202    Invoices
202.01 partial payments
final payment
review of shop plans
services during construction
subcontracted work
direct costs
sub consultant invoice summary sheet
203    extra work
204    supplemental engineers
205   affirmative action
206   conditions for subcontract of work
207   burden, fringe and overhead

chapter 300 - design development

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301    design development
301.01 establishment of milestone dates
301.02 preliminary design submission
301.03 incorporation of department's review comments
302    preliminary engineering studies phase
303    preliminary design phase
303.01 baseline development
303.02 preliminary design submission
303.03 information to be shown on preliminary design plans, profiles, and typical sections
303.04 information to be contained in the preliminary design report
303.05 structure type studies
303.06 rehabilitation study reports
303.07 design exception documentation
304    final design phase
304.01 semi-Final design submission
304.02 structure layout for design (SL/D) submission
304.03 final plans for review submission
304.04 final design submission
304.05 post-Final design submission
304.06 addendum preparation
305    construction stage
306    intermediate submission
307    progress prints
308    miscellaneous material
309    presentation of material at meetings

chapter 400 - design elements

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401    geometry
401.01 basic standards
401.02 horizontal geometry
401.03 vertical geometry
401.04 combination of horizontal and vertical geometry
401.05 interchanges
401.06 at-grade intersections
401.07 median
401.08 cut and fill slopes
401.09 side slope transitions
401.10 super elevation
401.11 driver expectancy
402    roadway
402.01 grade lists
402.02 plotting templates cross sections
402.03 plotting slope lines
402.04 pavements and sub base
402.05 sidewalks
402.06 median opening
402.07 driveways
402.08 sidewalk ramps
402.09 fencing
402.10 concrete steps
402.11 object markers
402.12 noise barrier walls
403    structure
403.01 lighting on structures
403.02 signing on structures
403.04 highway grade separations
403.05 scour analysis
403.06 navigable waters
403.07 railroad structures
403.08 soils
403.09 utilities
403.10 post design responsibilities
404    hydraulics and drainage
404.01 hydraulics
404.02 drainage
404.03 drainage design submissions
405    soils and foundation
405.01 general
405.02 soils and foundation engineering liaison
405.03 data for soils and foundations engineering studies and design
405.04 engineering studies and design
405.05 soils and foundation engineering reports
406    traffic
406.01 signals
406.02 signing
406.03 pavement markings
406.04 illumination
406.05 maintenance and protection of traffic
407    roadside development
408    survey
408.01 progress submission
408.02 changes in field conditions
409    rights of way
409.01 title search
409.02 13A-57 mapping
409.03 property maps

chapter 500 - supportive documents

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501    supportive documents
502    computations
502.01 horizontal and vertical alignment
502.02 drainage computations
503    quantities
503.01 breakdown of quantities
503.02 summary of quantities
504    specifications
504.01 standard specifications for roads, bridges, and incidental construction
504.02 supplemental specification
504.03 special provisions
504.04 railroad
504.05 municipalities and utility companies
504.06 control of bid master file
505    proposal estimate
506    federal estimate
507    design report
508    contract time analysis

chapter 600 - coordination with utilities

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601    coordination with utilities
602    identification of affected utilities
603    submission of plans to utilities
604    design/utility meeting
604.01 notice of environmental permits
604.02 construction conflicts
604.03 test pits
604.04 engineering cost estimates
604.05 time and material constraints
604.06 utility work by department's contractor
604.05 time and material constraints
604.06 utilities work by department's contractor
604.07 Utility plans, specifications and estimates
604.06 utility work by department
605    cost sharing
606    railroad involvement
606.01 railroad meeting and clearances
606.02 transmittal of plans to railroad for agreement

chapter 700 - completion of Plans

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701    completion of plans
702    title sheet
703    index plan and profile
704    detailed estimate sheet
705    typical cross section
706    miscellaneous details
707    drainage details
708    intersection grading plans
709    survey ties - curve data
710    subsurface boring data
711    plan sheets
712    profile sheets
713    structure sheets
714    traffic plans
714.01 pavement marking plans
714.02 signal plans
714.03 signing plans
714.04 illumination plans
715    detour plans
716    stage construction plans
717    turning plan
718    sedimentation and erosion control plan
719    cross section
720    utility plans
720.01 construction work performed by utility company
720.02 construction work included in department's project
721    standard drawing

chapter 800 - environmental activities

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801    introduction
802    wetland delineation/mitigation
802.01 wetland delineation
802.02 mitigation and wetland creation
802.03 fish passage
803    department of army
804    Connecticut department of environmental protection    regulatory programs
804.01 jurisdiction
804.02 tidal wetland
804.03 structures and dredging
804.04 coastal zone management consistency
804.05 inland wetlands and watercourses
804.06 stream channel enrichment line
804.07 water diversion
804.08 flood management
804.09 discharges of storm water and dewatering wastewaters associated with construction activities
805    united states coast guard