To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

Highway-Rail Grade Crossing and Trespasser Awareness Safety

Train Engine

Frequently Asked Questions

MarkerWhat are engineers most afraid of hitting at the crossing?

  • An engineer's worst nightmare is hitting a school bus or other vehicle full of children. The second greatest fear for most engineers is hitting a tank truck full of gasoline or chemicals. In these types of crashes, the train crew is often killed or seriously injured as well as the truck driver and people near the crossing.

markerWhy can't long freight trains clear the crossing faster?

  • First of all, trains are operated under rigid speed restrictions that are monitored very closely by the railroads and regulatory agencies. Many freight trains average a mile in length. If the train is travelling 50 to 60 MPH, it only takes about a minute to clear the crossing. At 30 MPH, it still only takes about two minutes to clear the crossing.

MarkerWhy do trains have the right of way?

  • Trains cannot stop in time for motorist at crossings, or for trespassers on the tracks. The average freight train, travelling at 55 MPH, takes anywhere from a mile to a mile and a half to make a complete stop. The average automobile can stop in only 200 feet at that same speed. It's a simple matter of physics: the heavier the object, the longer the stopping distance. In addition, the contact surface between a train's steel wheels and the steel rails is only the size of a dime! That results in very little friction created when compared to an automobile with rubber tires on asphalt or concrete.

MarkerWhat number do I call to get a train stopped when there is an emergency?

  • The fastest method is to call the local police or 911. Tell them the location, generally the name of the road intersecting the tracks or the nearest town, and they will contact the railroad. The railroad dispatcher can reach the locomotive engineers by radio and they will do everything possible to get any approaching trains stopped in time. Don't try to flag down the train. Remember----it can't stop quickly! Most engineers can effectively see about a half-mile ahead of their train. There's not enough time to stop by the time they see you flagging them down.

MarkerWhy aren't there reflectors on the sides of rail cars?

  • Reflectors on rail cars quickly become ineffective because of dirt picked up by the rail cars when they're moving. Compliance and maintenance would be impractical because of the variations in sizes and shapes of rail cars combined with the fact that there are numerous owners of this equipment. People also drive into the sides of trains in broad daylight. Actually, about two-thirds of all collisions at crossings in the United States happen in the daylight hours.

MarkerFlat spots on rail car wheels cause a load noise, Is this dangerous?

  • Flat spots on rail wheels are quite common and are caused when the wheels end up sliding on the rails for various reasons. Generally, there is no cause for alarm. It's like an automobile tire that wears unevenly, but isn't replaced until tread depth is reduced to a certain point. Railroad equipment is closely monitored by the railroads and by federal and state inspectors. Flat spots are allowed to certain tolerances. The railroad maintenance personnel work hard to try and make sure these tolerances aren't exceeded. They replace wheels on a regular basis.

MarkerWho do I call to report a malfunctioning signal?

  • The fastest method is to call the local police or 911. Tell them the location and the name of the road intersecting the tracks. Upon learning of a malfunctioning grade crossing gate or signal the city or town will dispatch police or firemen to direct traffic across the crossing or to an alternate route.

MarkerWhat should I do when the signals are on and no train is visible?

  • Every operator of a motor vehicle is required by law to bring their motor vehicle to a full stop at a highway-rail grade crossing when warned of an approaching locomotive or train by flashing lights. They are to refrain from passing over the crossing until the approaching locomotive or train has passed or until directed to do so by emergency personnel at the crossing. If there are gates at the crossing and they are in the lowered position, you must not go around them, but drive to a different crossing. It is against the law to drive around lowered gates. It is possible that the signals are on because of the "fail-safe" design of railroad crossing signals and gates. If a wire shorts, for example, the warning system is activated. Battery power is also available when the power goes out to be sure the signals activate when a train approaches. Remember, when a signal system is activated, a train is almost always in the approach circuits, but may be blocked from view.

MarkerWhy don't all crossings have automatic warning devices?

  • The money for installing automatic warning devices often comes from public sources. A typical installation can cost $100,000 or more. Once they're installed, the railroad maintains the system from then on at their cost. Many factors, such as frequency of rail traffic, motor vehicle traffic and collision history play a part in determining which crossings will be signalized. There is also a surprising statistic to consider. More than 50 percent of all collisions occur at crossings equipped with automatic warning devices. The flashing red lights and gates are important aids in warning us of dangers, but they will not eliminate collisions. It is important that we remember to  look and listen when approaching any highway-rail grade crossing.

MarkerWhy aren't crossing gates heavier?

  • Heavier crossing gates would cause several problems. The gate is there as a warning to drivers, not as an impenetrable barrier. Sometimes, drivers get trapped on the crossing with the gate down behind them. The gate is made of lightweight material that will break off when a vehicle drives through it so there's an escape route. Heavier crossing gates would also be more difficult to keep operating properly.

MarkerWhy do trains have to blow their horns at crossings with automatic signals?

  • The Connecticut State law requires trains to sound their horn at all highway-rail grade crossings. Many times, drivers find themselves not paying attention or not expecting to see a train, especially at crossings they are familiar with, because they never see a train there. These are the times when the locomotive horn may be the only warning that gets the driver's attention. Don't make the mistake of thinking a seldom-used track has been abandoned. The railroad can put a train there at   any time!

MarkerWho do I contact to complain about visibility problems at crossings?

  • These situations should be reported to the Department of Transportation, Office of Rail, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, PO Box 317546, Newington, CT 06131-7546, (860) 594-2900 or if the visibility problem is occurring on a known rail lines owned by one of the following railroads in Connecticut, you can call the appropriate phone number.

    Branford Steam Railroad (203) 484-1407

    Central New England Railroad (203) 666- 8178

    Connecticut Southern Railroad (860) 291-1700

    Consolidated Rail Corporation (518) 767-6500

    Housatonic Railroad Co. (203) 824-0850

    Metro-North Commuter Railroad (212) 340-2677

    National Railroad Passenger Corp. (Amtrak) (617) 345-7400

    Naugatuck Railroad Company (203) 288-1222

    New England Central Railroad (802) 527-3411

    Providence and Worchester Railroad Co. (508) 755-4000

    Springfield Terminal Railway Co. (508) 663-1175

    The Valley Railroad Co. (203) 767-0103

MarkerIs a driver in violation of the law when not stopping a vehicle on a crossing?

  • Yes! It is against the law. Every operator of a motor vehicle is required by law to bring their motor vehicle to a full stop at a highway-rail grade crossing when warned of an approaching locomotive or train by flashing lights. They are to refrain from passing over the crossing until the approaching locomotive or train has passed or until directed to do so by emergency personnel at the crossing.

MarkerCan I use the railroad tracks to access a remote area or beach if I'm careful?

  • No. It is trespassing. Railroad property is private property and access is strictly limited to railroad personnel and only those persons who have been granted permission from the railroad. People who trespass on the railroad right-of-way may think they'll be safe for various reasons, but the truth is more than 500 are killed each year in the United States and many others are critically injured.
    They either didn't expect a train, thought it would be on the other track, thought it was moving slower, thought it could stop for them, stood too close, or just didn't take the time to think about the dangers. In every case they were dead wrong! Don't let it happen to you. It's not worth the risk.