To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

FOR RELEASE: May 1, 2015
TELEPHONE: (860) 594-3062
FAX: (860) 594-3065

Be on the Lookout – Bicyclers and Pedestrians Abound!
All year round, Connecticut has bicyclists and pedestrians avidly traversing its many roadways. As the weather warms and more users come out of their winter hibernation, the numbers increase and we celebrate Bike Month nationally in May of every year.

Connecticut’s Transportation Commissioner, James P. Redeker, reminds the public, “This is the beginning of a very active traveling season. As cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists, we need to be visible, safety conscious and educated on the rules of the road. As drivers, we need to look out for these users and give them space. As transportation agencies, we need to maintain our roadways and work to remove barriers to access. Everyone plays a part.”

Redeker also remarked, “Bike Month has several components, including Bike to School Day on May 6, Bike to Work Day on May 15, and Bike Week from May 11 through May 15, which overlaps nicely with CTrides Week, making for a great opportunity to try new ways of getting around. Events are being sponsored statewide by schools and employers throughout the month. Consider getting involved and, when driving, keep your phones down, your eyes up and a safe distance.”

Connecticut’s Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Carla A. Iezzi, added, “Our younger population - children, pre-teens and teens, are becoming more active walking and bicycling to school, parks, and friend’s houses. They are harder to see at times because of their height and, sometimes, more unpredictable in their movements. It is critical that we look out for them, teach safe ways to walk and ride, and encourage them to try these healthier options.”

Ms. Iezzi asked, “Please do your part to keep our children safe. Volunteer to start a local Safe Routes to School Program, guide children across busy intersections during school arrival/dismissal, or with a safety education event, such as Bike to School Day.”  She also stated, “I want to extend my appreciation to all of our active partnering schools who are working hard on Bike to School events statewide. Keep the momentum going because, through your encouragement and education, these are truly valuable life lessons that you are teaching.”  

As of today, there are 26 Connecticut schools registered for Bike to School events during the month. To get your school registered, go to for information and links to the national program site. Registering provides the chance to win the 2015 Schwinn’s Helmets on Heads Bike Share Giveaway and Bike Rack Giveaway.

“The Safe Routes to School Program works hard all year to provide technical assistance statewide so that kindergartners through eighth graders can walk and bicycle to school safely. We have many options for helping communities with safety education, including a new summer skills clinic for bicycling and pedestrian safety for children ages 5 to 14. Community program managers, such as park and recreation directors, law enforcement personnel, youth service officers, and town planners, should consider sponsoring a clinic this summer. These clinics are provided at no cost to the community. We have an easy, fillable form on our website to register,” encouraged Ms. Iezzi.

Additional resources and information: