Proposed Plans for Removal/Closure of Miller Street Access to Route 9 in Middletown
The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (Department) Office of Engineering is developing plans for the removal/closure of the Miller Street Access to Route 9 in Middletown.
The purpose of the project is to improve access and safety to Bridge Street and Miller Street by removing access to Route 9 and converting the Bridge Street emergency access at-grade crossing to allow daily thru traffic. The proposed work includes closing the Miller Street access to Route 9, including the median crossover, and opening the at-grade railroad crossing at Bridge Street to provide access from St. Johns Street. Widening and full depth reconstruction will occur on the east side of Bridge Street in order to incorporate an additional through lane. Sidewalks will be extended from Portland Street to connect to the existing sidewalks along Bridge Street. Additionally, on-street parking will be maintained in front of residences along Bridge Street.
The present schedule indicates that the design will be completed in July 2020, with construction anticipated to start in spring 2021, assuming acceptance of the project, availability of funding and receipt of any required right-of-way and environmental permits. This project will be undertaken with eighty percent (80%) federal funds and twenty percent (20%) state funds.
It is the Department's policy to keep the public informed and involved when such projects are undertaken. It is important that the community share its concerns with the Department to assist in the project's development. It is not anticipated that a public informational meeting or formal public hearing will be conducted; as it was presented and well received at the previous public informational meeting held for Project No. 0082-0318.
Anyone interested in receiving information on this project may do so by contacting Mr. Matthew R. Vail, Principal Engineer, at (860) 594-3274 or by e-mail at Matthew.Vail@ct.gov. Please make reference to State Project No. 0082-0322.
TELEPHONE: (860) 594-3062
FAX: (860) 594-3065
WEB SITE: www.ct.gov/dot