Elderly Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
History: P.A. 97-2 (June Special Session) - The program was effective on July 1, 1997 and created a rental assistance program in state-assisted elderly housing.
Purpose: The Elderly Rental Assistance Program provides rental assistance to low-income elderly persons residing in state-assisted rental housing for the elderly. Such housing must comply with applicable state and local health, housing, building and safety codes. DOH contracts with not-for-profit organizations as well as housing authorities who provide rental subsidies in accordance with an approved contract.
Source of Funding: General Fund
Process: State-assisted elderly housing providers submit to DOH annual budgets and tenant rent rolls to determine the rent and the amount subsidy needed based on the individual needs of the tenants. DOH provides rental assistance if a tenant’s rental charge exceeds 30% of their adjusted gross income.
Statutory Link: Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 128, Section 8-119kk
Regulatory Link: Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Sec. 8-119kk-1 through Sec. 8-119kk-8
The ERAP Program is now closed. New participants are not being accepted at this time.