This page consists of training materials for CT WiZ users that consists of webinars and videos, training materials and additional resources for clinics.
CT WiZ for Vaccine Providers and Training
Get started with a CT WiZ account and get help
Set up your CTWiZ username, login, password, address existing user / password issues and update your role and clinical information.
Technical training resources
Patient management
- Print, search, view, modify patient records
- CT WiZ Reports Manual
- Submit a Request to Our Helpdesk for More Information
- Correct data entry errors and duplicate patients
- Add historical and current immunizations
- View which vaccines are due and when
- Update and Review the (Vis) Vaccine Information Statement
Update and review the (VIS) Vaccine Information Statement
The Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for each vaccine is updated by CDC periodically. When a new VIS is released by the CDC, the default VIS in CT WiZ is changed automatically. English and Spanish VIS can be printed from CT WiZ by accessing the Forms section of the Reports module. Current VIS documents can be found in many other languages.
Submit a request to our Helpdesk for More information
Please enter as much detail as possible to describe the issue or question. Attach screen shots, if possible, to the email. Depending on the priority of the issue or question, inquiries can be resolved between 1 and 5 business days.
Inventory management
- On-Hand Inventory
- Track and accept an inventory shipment
- Update expiration dates in CT WiZ
- Reconcile your inventory
- Vaccine on hand inventory is not depleting
- Transfer vaccines in CT WiZ
- Return vaccines
- Update clinic information
- Place a CVP/Adult Vaccine Order
- Document wasted vaccines
- Document borrowed vaccines