To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

FOR RELEASE: April 17, 2018
TELEPHONE: (860) 594-3062
FAX: (860) 594-3065

CTrail Hartford Line Rail Service Scheduled to Launch June 16
Commemorative Inaugural Event to be Held Friday, June 15
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) today announced it will launch the Hartford Line rail service with an inaugural event on Friday, June 15.  Following the commemorative event, free weekend train service will operate on Saturday and Sunday, June 16 and 17.  Full, expanded weekday service will begin on June 18 with trains running approximately every 45 minutes during the morning and evening peak periods.  A total of 17 trains a day will operate between New Haven and Hartford and 12 trains will operate daily between Hartford and Springfield, Massachusetts.  The line will provide direct or connecting service to New York City, Boston and Vermont.
“This expanded service will transform travel options in the corridor between New Haven and Springfield, Massachusetts, and it will be a catalyst for economic development, and business and recreational travel.” said CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker. “Getting new service on this line has been a monumental undertaking that has taken years of intense coordination to ensure the successful opening of service.  I want to commend the team that has made this a reality.  Even before the commencement of service, the State’s investment has already attracted new commercial and residential development and has become the latest engine driving Connecticut’s economy.”
CTDOT managed the full reconstruction of the rail line, including all new ballast, track, bridges, culverts, signals and grade-crossings.  New train stations and parking have been constructed in Wallingford, Meriden and Berlin.  Trains will be able to operate at speeds as high as 110 miles an hour, and a trip from Springfield to New Haven will take 81 minutes. The project was financed by three federal grants and state funds.
“The Hartford Line will provide the most frequent train service delivered to date under the Federal Railroad Administration intercity passenger rail grant programs begun in the Obama administration. I commend the team at the DOT for the extraordinary job they have done to make what was once just a dream become a reality, Commissioner Redeker said. “The delivery of this new rail service is a model for the country and Connecticut should take immense pride in this achievement and celebrate not just the completion of the construction, but the beginning of a bright new transportation and economic development future for the state.”
Information about the new train schedules and fares can be found at Details of the June 15 event will be released in coming weeks.