To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas





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The State Completes Milford Train Station

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has completed construction of the Milford Train Station.  Final paving and line striping on High Street and the surrounding roadways and parking lots were finished over the last week.

“We are nearing the final step in this project with much anticipation.  The finishing touches are being added to the area to complete the train station and surrounding parking.  The public will experience a new and improved train station with longer platforms, improved waiting areas, and many other customer friendly amenities,” said Transportation Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter. 

The newly constructed Milford Station offers an extended eastbound platform.  This new 10 car length platform (previous length was 4 cars) will allow customers to board and disembark from any car on the train.  The extended platform will also allow customers to access parking lots on the west side of High Street directly from the eastbound platform.

“Many new and significant additions have been built into the Milford station.  This station will improve the customer experience for rail transit riders, as well as benefit the downtown Milford community.  We anticipate greater rail usage by the public, and in turn increased benefit to the surrounding Milford businesses and community,” said Commissioner Carpenter.

Up to 50 parking spaces have been added at or near the station.  Accessibility improvements include new ramps, signage and parking designations.  Additional improvements to Milford Station also include an extended canopy area, a reconfigured drop off area, new benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, landscaping and enhanced lighting.

“The end is in sight, and we appreciate the public and business community’s patience during this extended period of time to complete the entire project.  The overall project will benefit many in the Milford area, and we thank the public and the local leadership for their support.  We look forward to returning in the near future to cut the official ribbon,” said Commissioner Carpenter.

The Milford train station project is part of an on-going effort to replace and rehabilitate bridges, station and catenary on the New Haven Rail Line between Devon and New Haven.  Bridge improvement projects included rehabilitation of two bridges on High Street and River Street and, replacement of the Old Gate Lane Bridge.  Extensive reconstruction and installation of the catenary system from the Devon bridge in Milford to West River bridge in West Haven, as well as the renovations and improvement to Milford train station were also completed.

“This project had many facets to complete including major bridge construction, and rail infrastructure upgrades.  The extensive work is nearing the end.  The catenary system upgrade to constant tension is completed.  The train station platforms are open for the use, and the rail bridges have been replaced and rehabilitated.  The benefits of a project such as this will be experienced by rail customers for years to come.” said Commissioner Carpenter.