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Proposed Amendments to Connecticut's Water Quality Standards

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is providing notice of its publication of proposed amendments to Connecticut’s Water Quality Standards.  The Department published a Notice of Intent to Revise Connecticut's Water Quality Standards on April 16, 2009.  Comments were received and published on DEP’s website in early August, 2009.  This process provided background information to the revisions currently proposed to the Connecticut Water Quality Standards.  These proposed amendments are made with the intent to ensure that Connecticut’s Water Quality Standards reflect the best available science, and support water quality management policies to improve and protect the water resources of the State pursuant to section 426(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. 


A Public Information Session was held on 1/26/2010, and a Public Hearing was held on 2/3/2010, during the public comment period.  Times and room locations are found below in the Public Notice to Amend Connecticut's Water Quality Standards and to Hold a Public Hearing.  Complete details on how where and when comments can be submitted appear there as well.  Note below, the comment period has been extended since the Public Notice was published.


The Public Comment Period for the Revisions proposed to the Connecticut Water Quality Standards has been extended until Wednesday, March 17, 2010, at 4 p.m.  Written comments will be accepted, but email comments will not be received and put on the Record, as the Record must contain original signatures and a mailing address.

Information:  The following supplemental materials are provided as a courtesy to assist in the review of proposed revisions to the Water Quality Standards.  Please consult the Proposed Water Quality Standards, public noticed on December 22, 2009, when conducting any reviews or providing comment.  In the case of any errors or omissions, the official document, as public noticed, prevails.


Important Dates Date Snow Date
Public Information Session 1/26/2010 1/28/2010
Public Hearing 2/3/2010 2/4/2010
Deadline to Submit Comments Per Public Notice 2/15/2010 2/15/2010
Extension of Public Comment Period  3/17/2010
Comments Received on Proposed Water Quality Standards
 EX. #  Exhibits and Comments Received from: *
1 Authorization to Hold a Public Hearing
2 Notice of Intent to Amend Connecticut Water Quality Standards and to Hold a Public Hearing
3 Copy of Notice of Intent to Amend Connecticut Water Quality Standards and hold a Public Hearing published in Connecticut Law Journal on 12/22/2009
4 Affadavit of Publication of Notice in the Norwich Bulletin on 1/12/2010
5 Affadavit of Publication of Notice in the Connecticut Post on 1/13/2010
6 Attendance sheet for a Public Information Meeting held on 1/26/2010, at DEP Headquarters, Russell Room  
7 Presentation on Proposed Revisions to Connecticut Water Quality Criteria, shown on 1/26/2010, at DEP Headquarters, Russell Room
8 Copies of letters sent to members of the Legislative Environment Committee informing them of the public review process and Public Hearing on Amendments to Connecticut Water Quality Standards
9 Certified mail receipt for letters sent to chief elected officials informing them of DEP's Intent to Amend the Connecticut Water Quality Standards and hold a Public Hearing
10 Proposed Water Quality Standards, dated 12/22/2009
11 Connecticut Water Quality Standards, adopted 12/17/2002 (surface waters) and 4/12/1996 (groundwater)
12 WQR Revisions 2009 Proposed Revisions to Dissolved Oxygen Criteria for Marine Waters 
13 Water Quality Criteria Comparison Table comparision between WQC adopted in 2002, and 12/22/2009 Proposals
14 Summary of Proposed Changes to CT Water Quality Standards, redline version
15 Errata: Proposed Revisions Water Quality Standards, Ambient Water Quality Criteria 2/2/2010
16 Biological Condition Gradient: Frequently Asked Questions 
17 Proposed Revisions to Temperature Criteria
18 Nutrient Reduction Strategy for Inland Fresh Waters: Phosphorus
19 Freshwater Nutrient Management Technical Support Document
20 Technical Support Document:  Proposed Revisions to Connecticut Water Quality Criteria 
21 Connecticut Business and Industry Association 1/29/10
22 Connecticut Water Pollution Abatement Association, 2/1/2010
23 Alkyl Phenyl Ethoxylate Resource Council
24 Richard Weisberg
25 Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition: James Belden
26 Environmental Professionals' Organization of Connecticut: Seth Molofsky
27 Jay Kulowiec
28 Rivers Alliance of Connecticut: Margaret Miner
29 Lee Dunbar
30 Richard Fromer
31 Richard Weisberg - additional comments
32 Affadavit of Publication: Waterbury Republican 1/25/2010
33 Affadavit of Publication: Hartford Courant 1/25/2010
34 Affadavit of Publication: New Haven Register 1/25/2010
35 Affadavit of Publication: Connecticut Post 1/27/2010
36 Affadavit of Publication: Norwich Bullletin 1/26/2010
37 Affadavit of Publication: Hartford Courant 1/11/2010
38 Affadavit of Publication: New Haven Register 1/11/2010
39 Affadavit of Publication: Waterbury Republican 1/11/2010
40 Public Hearing Transcript, 2/3/2010, 1:30 p.m. DEP HQ
41 Housatonic Vally Association, Jennifer Gunther
42 General Electric, Roderic J. McLaren
43 Regional Water Authority
44 CT River Watershed Council, Elisabeth Cianciola & Chelsea Reiff Gwyther
45 Loureiro Engineering Associates. Inc., Robert B. Taylor
46 DuPont, Thomas E. Stilley
47 CBIA, Eric Brown, additional comments
48 EPOC, Seth Molofsky, additional comments
49 CT DPH, Ellen Blaschinski
50 APE Research Council, Barbara Losey, additional comments #1
51 APE Research Council, Barbara Losey, additional comments #2
52 CME Associates, Inc, Richard Canavan
53 US EPA, Stephen Silva
54 CT Coalition Against Millstone:  Nancy Burton
55 Norwalk River Watershed Association, Sara N. daSilva
56 Norwalk River Watershed Initiative, Alexis Cherichetti
57 Naugatuck River Watershed Association, Inc., Robert Gregorski
58 CT Fund for the Environment
* these exhibits are being provided as they are processed; check back for additional exhibits as they become available.   

For additional information please contact Traci Iott at (860) 424-3082 or

Content last updated March 12, 2010