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Connecticut DEEP Grants under Section 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act for Fiscal Year 2020

General Eligibility and Focus

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Request for Proposals for fiscal year 2020 Clean Water Section 319 grants is now closed.  Section 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act is a federal program to control nonpoint sources (NPS) of water pollution.  Connecticut receives funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Section 319 grants that can be passed onto communities, local conservation groups, and other organizations for NPS implementation projects, plans, and statewide NPS management efforts.  Proposals may be submitted by any interested public or private organization.  It is expected that there will be a 2021 Grant Round offered  in Q4 2020.
EPA defines NPS pollution as pollution that is “caused by diffuse sources that are not regulated as point sources, and are normally associated with land use and runoff from the land.”  Common NPS pollutants include:  bacteria, nutrients, sediment, salt, petroleum products, heavy metals, pesticides, and debris.  These pollutants are typically carried by stormwater runoff into streams, lakes, and estuaries from diffuse land use and other activities that are not regulated as point source discharges (“end of pipe”).  Projects intended to meet mandated requirements of stormwater permits are not eligible for Section 319 grants.  However, proposals that provide stormwater mitigation above and beyond permit requirements may be considered.
Applications that include financial or in kind contributions demonstrate a commitment to the project that is considered by DEEP when ranking applications.  Starting with FY 2016, DEEP was able to cover the 40% match requirement for the Section 319 grant by using state dollars for other NPS projects.  If EPA continues to accept this approach, the match requirements for FY 2020 applications will also be waived. Regardless, commitments of non-federal match are encouraged.  Applicants should recognize that DEEP is interested in awarding project funding to 5-10 larger projects rather than many smaller projects.  

Project Requirements

EPA Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant Requirements

The proposals must comply with the Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for States and Territories issued on April 12, 2013, or subsequent guidance.

Pollutant Load Reduction Reporting  

Grantees will be required to complete a spreadsheet form for the EPA Grant Reporting Tracking System (GRTS).  The GRTS spreadsheet assists grantees to provide pollutant load reduction estimates that are required for all NPS implementation projects.  The spreadsheet form can be found at the Nonpoint Source Program Main page.

Project Duration

DEEP will generally limit project duration to a two year period, with rare options to extend to three or four years if justifiably needed for completion of larger, more complex projects.  Funding for projects that are not promptly initiated or fall substantially behind schedule may be considered for reprogramming to other Section 319 priority projects.  DEEP suggests that potential grantees examine their needs for permits and other factors that may cause delays as early as possible. 

If the proposed project is a multi-year or phased project, applicants should provide rough estimates of the complete cost of restoring the water body.  DEEP is receptive to a phased approach, with each year’s funding allotment representing an individual phase.  However, applicants should recognize that each year or phase of funding will be competitive.  DEEP does not automatically agree to fund future phases by committing to the initial phase.  Proponents shall establish a schedule for the additional phases and costs needed to complete the project, which will be considered in the evaluation of the FY 2020 portion.

DEEP Contacts

Watershed Managers  DEEP recommends that applicants consult with DEEP’s Watershed Manager before proposing any project.  Please contact the appropriate manager listed below for your geographic area:

Southwest Coastal, South Central Coastal, and Connecticut Mainstem Manager:  Chris Malik (860) 424-3959 or 

Housatonic and Farmington Manager:  Susan Peterson (860) 424-3854 or 

Eastern Coastal, Thames, Salmon, and Eight Mile Manager:  Eric Thomas (860) 424-3548 or

Watershed Program Supervisor: Erik Bedan (860) 424-3386 or

Content Last Updated: February 28, 2020