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DEEP Releases Zero Carbon Resources RFP

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) today released a request for proposals for zero carbon resources as required under June Special Session Public Act 17-3, An Act Concerning Zero Carbon Solicitation and Procurement.
Following the release of the draft request for proposals, DEEP received approximately 70 comments. DEEP carefully reviewed those comments and made the following changes to the final RFP language:
  • The at risk time period is presumed to be June 1, 2022, rather than June 1, 2023, based on the capacity obligations for existing resources in the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market
    • However, a bidder can rebut this presumption by providing evidence in the PURA “at risk” proceeding and in its bid submission to DEEP that it should be considered at risk prior to 2022
  • DEEP reserves the right for to select an increment of an at risk bid plus a portfolio of other zero carbon resources
  • DEEP reserves the right to evaluate and select resources based on technology type
  • For bids over 400 MW the incremental bids of 25/50/75% can reasonably deviate from the strict percentages based on the manufactured size of the technology (e.g. if manufactured wind turbine sizes can’t be sized to allow for an exact percentage of the largest bid there can be some reasonable variation from the required percentages)
  • DEEP removed the requirement that an existing resource participate in the ISO-NE capacity market
  • Other minor technical and clarifying changes
DEEP will hold a bidders’ conference on Monday, August 13, 2018 at 10 a.m. in DEEP’s New Britain Office to allow bidders the opportunity to ask DEEP questions about the RFP. Bids are due by noon on Friday, September 14, 2018.
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