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Gov. Malloy Releases Climate Change Recommendations, Adds Connecticut to Newly Formed Coalition Addressing Transportation-Related Emissions

Governor Dannel P. Malloy today released the final set of recommendations from the Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3), which will establish a sustainable path for achieving Connecticut’s long-term vision for decarbonizing our economy in order to address the problem of human-induced climate change.  The policy recommendations are focused on three broad objectives: zero-carbon electricity generation; clean transportation; and clean, efficient, and resilient buildings.
In addition, to underscore Connecticut’s commitment to work with other nearby states on designing a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector through a cap-and-invest or other pricing program, Governor Malloy announced that Connecticut will join the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) – a coalition of nine states and the District of Columbia that will work closely over the next year to develop a proposal that can be implemented across the region.
“Do not be fooled by the climate change deniers in Washington, climate change is real and if we do not take significant action now to reduce carbon emissions the harm to our economy, communities, and the planet will be irrevocable,” Governor Malloy said.  “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues the world faces today and the recommendations contained within this report will ensure that Connecticut is meeting its statutory and moral obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  I am thankful to all the members of the GC3, including state agency officials, business leaders, scientists, environmental advocates who have dedicated their time in developing solutions to decarbonize Connecticut’s economy.”
“As not only a scientist, but a father, I am gravely concerned about the speed at which climate change is occurring, as evidenced from the recent United Nations IPCC Special Report and the Fourth National Climate Assessment,” Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Rob Klee said.  “While the recommendations contained with the GC3 report are ambitious and will require the effort of all parts of civil society, I will remind everyone that we are a nation that has done big things in the past and it is time to step up and make addressing climate change this generation’s moon shot.  We have done it before, and if we do not act now, it will be too late to reverse the damage.”
In addition to Connecticut, other states that have joined the TCI include Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
“States are the incubators of great ideas,” Governor Malloy said regarding the coalition.  “By working collaboratively across state lines to develop a solution to curb transportation emissions, Connecticut, along with other forward-thinking states, will design and demonstrate effective policies, so that when the federal government stops listening to coal lobbyists and returns to listening to scientists, there will be a path forward to address climate change on a national basis.”
“With the approximately 40 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions coming from the transportation sector, we must accelerate our transition to a low-carbon transportation future,” Commissioner Klee said.  “By signing onto the TCI commitment, Connecticut and the region are taking an important step forward to help protect the health and safety of our residents.  Over the next year we will work closely with our regional partners to design a proposal that can be adopted by our states and implemented regionally.  I am confident this will put us on a path to not only decarbonize our transportation networks, but significantly improve them as well.”
The GC3 was created by Governor Malloy in 2015 through Executive Order No. 46.
After a thorough review of a variety of mitigation scenarios that drive down greenhouse gas emissions in the electric, building, and transportation sectors, the GC3 – through consensus – recommended an economy-wide reduction target of 45 percent below 2001 levels by 2030.  As one of the most ambitious mid-term reduction targets in the nation, the selected target will ensure that Connecticut is on a downward trajectory from today’s GHG emissions to the 80 percent reduction the Global Warming Solutions Act requires by 2050.
The GC3’s mid-term reduction target was adopted by the General Assembly earlier this year through Public Act 18-82, An Act Concerning Climate Change Planning and Resiliency and was signed into law by Governor Malloy in June.
Governor Malloy has transmitted the final GC3 report to Governor-elect Ned Lamont and the General Assembly.
For more information on the TCI, visit
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