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Gov. Malloy, Lt. Gov. Wyman and Commissioner Klee Condemn the Trump Administration's Decision to Repeal the Clean Power Plan

Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, and Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Rob Klee released the following statements regarding the announcement made by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt that the Trump administration has decided to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
Governor Malloy said, “This announcement is another disappointing policy reversal that will harm Americans.  The Trump administration continues to ignore the clear and indisputable scientific fact that humans are responsible for climate change and that the ever increasing severe weather we experience is a direct result.  If the federal government refuses to act in the best interest of the people of this nation, then it is incumbent upon state and local leaders to act and work to reverse the harm human activity has done to our planet.  Connecticut is a leader in addressing global warming and resiliency by increasing deployment of green energy technologies and promoting energy efficiency.  Irrespective of what nonsensical energy and environmental policies come out of Washington, our state will hold firm in its commitment to a clean and protected environment.”
Lt. Governor Wyman said, “Instead of strengthening U.S. energy leadership, President Trump and Secretary Pruitt are working to bring back dangerous policies that jeopardize our economy, human health, and our environment.  That decision makes it even more important that states become energy leaders by supporting the renewable energy initiatives, innovation, and entrepreneurship that drives a cleaner, greener economy – it’s right for our residents, our ecosystem, and our economy.  Most importantly, it moves smart energy policy forward, not backward.”
Commissioner Klee said, “It is sadly very ironic to see the head of the EPA, a federal agency dedicated to protecting public health as well as natural resources, proclaiming the return of coal – the dirtiest and most polluting fossil fuel.  Burning more coal adds not only to climate changing carbon emissions, but to conventional pollution.  This means an increased risk of illness – and even death – for thousands more Americans.  This is of concern right here in Connecticut as prevailing wind patterns will carry pollution from coal plants to our south and west into our atmosphere, threatening the health and well-being of our residents.”
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