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Gov. Malloy adds Connecticut to Coalition of States Committed to Upholding the Paris Climate Agreement

Connecticut Joins the United States Climate Alliance

Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he has committed the State of Connecticut to join the United States Climate Alliance – a coalition of U.S. states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change.  Other participants in the alliance to date include California, Washington state, and New York.
“Connecticut has been a national leader in combatting climate change and we have no plans of slowing down our efforts,” Governor Malloy said.  “In the absence of leadership from the White House in addressing climate change, it is incumbent upon the states to take action in order to protect their residents.  We remain committed to meeting the standards set forth in the Paris Climate Agreement because it is the right thing to do for not only the future of our state, but for the future of our planet.  I am proud to stand with my fellow governors in support of efforts to reverse the harmful effects of global warming and to send a message to the rest of the world that we accept the science of climate change and we will not let the misguided beliefs of a few ruin our planet.”

With input from all participants, the United States Climate Alliance will also act as a forum to sustain and strengthen existing climate programs, promote the sharing of information and best practices, and implement new program to reduce carbon emissions from all sectors of the economy.
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