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Commissioner Declarations

The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection has statutory and regulatory authority under several circumstances to declare and adjust closed seasons, close areas to fishing, specify conditions for operating commercial fisheries, and to establish and adjust possession and length limits. Declaration authority may be used to protect species threatened with undue depletion, to adjust harvest levels consistent with efficient management of a species, and to conform to regulations adopted under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act or by other regional management authorities such as the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Following are active Commissioner Declarations establishing rules for both recreational and commercial fisheries:


The taking of Alewives and Blueback Herring is prohibited in Connecticut waters.

Atlantic Salmon open season, daily creel limit, minimum length and method of taking.

D19-04  Closed seasons for marine recreational fishing (NOTE: Closed seasons from D19-04 still in effect; all other measures superseded by subsequent declarations.)

D19-10  Sturgeon, shark, and American shad regulations

D20-01  Lobster fall closure

D20-02  Minimum lengths and creel limits for marine recreational fishing, Enhanced Opportunity Shore Fishing Sites

D20-03  Commercial fishing regulations


The taking of Alewife and Blueback Herring in Connecticut waters is prohibited.

Atlantic Salmon open season, daily creel limit, minimum length, and method of taking.


D18-02 Coastal Shark Recreational and Commercial Fishery Measures for 2018.

D18-07 Lobster Season.

D18-08 Recreational Fishery Measures for 2018.

D18-09 Commercial Fisheries: Open seasons, possession limits and minimum lengths for several species.


Content last updated on April 9, 2020.