Information for Real Estate and Appraisal Schools

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REAL ESTATE EDUCATION PROVIDERS: All schools interested in offering real estate courses to qualify students for a real estate license and/or to satisfy continuing education requirements for license renewal, must apply online with the Department of Consumer Protection. The online real estate pre/continuing education course application is the only application that will be accepted, and all required information must be submitted. Please note, multiple course submissions will require multiple applications. Schools must provide to each student a written verification of a successfully completed course. Verification must contain the name and credential number of the school, the date of the course, name of the course, number of hours completed, and name of the student.  Please email questions to:

Mandatory Course Information:

Any school may submit a course to be approved by the Commission as meeting the "mandatory course requirement"; the course content must concern current real estate and fair housing legislation, licensing laws and regulations. Any school wishing to teach a previously approved course developed by another school, must secure that content from the developer and submit through the above course submittal process. All approved courses will appear on the continuing education approved course list.

Public Act 15-98 Licensure Requirements for Real Estate Commission Approval Outlines - Broker's Legal Compliance and Brokerage Principles and Practices (Effective 7/1/16)

School Registration: $300 ($100 application fee and $200 registration fee); Renewal every two years: $200.

Course Registration: $100 registration fee; expires after 3 years or expiration of AQB or IDECC certification, whichever is sooner.

All school and course registration must be completed online.

Please email any questions regarding this requirement to:

Licensing exams, testing content areas and reference book lists for all exams are provided by  PSI Exam Services