Volunteer to Support Your Community


The COVID-19 outbreak has a wide-ranging impact on our citizens and our communities – and that means we need volunteers with a wide range of skill sets to step forward and serve. We need people to help in hospitals, at testing sites, with administrative tasks, to help deliver food to those who need to self-isolate or quarantine - and more. 

With your help, we can ensure that every community in Connecticut has the resources needed to combat this pandemic.

If you’re 18 or older and able to volunteer, here’s what you should know:

  • You don’t need to be a health care worker. In addition to calling on physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals who may be retired, we need community members to help out at food banks, with food deliveries to the elderly, and at shelters.
  • You’ll be sent where you’re most needed and feel comfortable. The volunteer process is centralized so that we have a clear picture of everyone who can help, and everything we need. That way, we can make sure to offer you the opportunity to serve in the place that needs you and your skill set most.
  • Every effort is being made to keep volunteers safe. The organizations involved in response and the State are all working hard to make sure that everyone helping out can do so as safely as possible. If you have any concerns – always make sure to ask about the safety protocols of the organization that you’re working with.


You shouldn’t volunteer if you’re at risk or compromised. If you are a high-risk group including being 60 and older, it's recommended that you only volunteer in roles that do not require face to face contact.


These efforts are supported by the Medical Reserve Corps and Connecticut Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.

Thank you for everything you do,
we're in this together.