Attorney General Press Release Header
February 25, 2013
Statement from Attorney General Jepsen on
Concerns about Sandy Hook Facebook Postings
Attorney General George Jepsen today issued the following statement in response to concerns over postings on Facebook related to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School:
“I continue to extend my deepest sympathies to the Soto family as well as to all the families of the Newtown victims. Any unauthorized use of the identities of the victims is reprehensible.
“On Saturday, my office began a discussion with Facebook about the concerns expressed over these tribute sites and on Sunday, I met personally with Facebook representatives about this situation. These meetings and discussions are continuing with me and at the staff level.
“I appreciate Facebook’s responsiveness, and I have emphasized to Facebook that it must be sensitive to the concerns of the Newtown families. Consistent with these discussions, and in keeping with its community standards, Facebook will continue to work with our office and will continue to remove postings that are designed to harass or intimidate the victims or their families and have no legitimate reason to remain on the site. Facebook also will treat pages being used unlawfully to solicit donations in the names of the Newtown victims similarly.
“I will continue my discussions with Facebook to make sure it is responsive to the needs of the grieving families but also respects the rights of law abiding and well-intentioned Facebook users. Again, my sympathies go out to all those affected by this tragedy, and I understand and respect their need for privacy.”
Media Contact:
Jaclyn M. Falkowski
860-808-5324 (office)
860-655-3903 (cell)
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