Data Breach Report Submission Form

Use this form only for initial reports. Do not use this form for supplemental reports or updates. Supplemental reports or updates should be e-mailed to a with the case number if you have it.

Do not use this form for anything other than an initial breach notice. If you wish to file a consumer complaint, please use: CT Attorney General: e-Complaint Form.

<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>

Is this an initial report or an update or revision of a prior report?

Initial ReportUpdate or Revision to Prior Report
<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>

Reporting Entity's Information

<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>

Your Information / Point of Contact’s Information

<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>

Breach Details

Third-Party’s Information (Complete if You Selected “Yes” Above)
Type of Breach (Select All That Apply)
Information Involved (Select All That Apply):
Dates Related to Breach:
Method of Notification to Affected Individuals (Select All That Apply):
*Note that if Social Security Numbers were compromised in the Breach, Connecticut law requires appropriate identity theft protection services be provided to affected Connecticut residents for a minimum of twenty-four (24) months.
Select and Describe All Actions Taken in Response to Breach:
<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>


- You may upload up to 3 files, and each file size is limited to 10 MB.

- The preferred file type is .pdf, but .docx, .doc, and .txt. are acceptable.

- An error will display if a file name contains any of the following invalid special characters: { } % < > ! @ # $ ^ * ; " ~ + | ?

- If you need to upload an image, the preferred image file type is .jpg or .jpeg, but .tiff, .png, and .bmp are acceptable.

- Please upload a template copy of the notice to impacted Connecticut residents under “Template Consumer Notification (Required)”. If you have more than one template notice, please combine and upload them as a single file.

- You may upload a cover letter under “Cover Letter (Optional)” and any additional supporting documentation you wish to include under “Other (Optional)”.

- Please do not include any identifying consumer personal information.

<ul class="progress-indicator"> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Introduction</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Reporting Entity Information</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Contact Information</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Breach Details</li> <li class="completed"><span class="bubble"></span> Attachments</li> <li class="active"><span class="bubble"></span> Review</li> </ul> <div class="error-summary"></div>


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